Joann Mitchell I hope that the Senate can bring about a fair agreement that is sensible and credible. Democrats want to have the upper hand at any cost. Sad Cat Hill We can’t let this be a democratic reform. There will be loopholes and more innocent lives are going to be taken. The great thing is... our President isn’t an idiot like the leftist would like to say. I have faith in God and President Trump.
Susan Springer Kelly The Democrats wouldn't even consider the Senate Bill that had a lot of good stuff in it that everybody could agree to. Tim Scott has been working on this for years Then they send a bill that has things in it that anyone in their right mind can't agree with because it puts the police in danger, and they expect the Republicans to vote for this? It's all political. So sad that they couldn't get something done.
Ilse Shaffer If it is Democratic based, it will be a death sentence to every officer out there. The democrats are anti-police so will do all they can to tie the hands of police. I pray it goes nowhere.
Diana Bell How much of their liberal pork did they put in that one? How much did they sell the police out for? Senate won’t pass their garbage.
Scott Dillman That is a dishonest headline. The partisan Democrats obstructed Senator Scott's bill and wouldn't work with the Senators to pass it. They wouldn't negotiate modifications. They Democrat house bill is partisan crap.
Mark McRae Why isn’t this being handled immediately at the City and State Government levels. They have direct control over the police department and prosecutors office. Why do we want the federal government more involved in our lives? People need to hold their local officials accountable if they want true reform quickly. This should be taken care of immediately by the local officials. And not made into a campaign issue
Krista Smith They okay games and nothing ever gets accomplished meanwhile America and the american people that pay for everything have to suffer the consequences. The Dems are demonic and could care less about anything other than their agenda. No telling what is in even the bill.
Sheila Ruddy Heerdt This bill is a piece of garbage and should be Vetoed by the President - it’s now ok to sue cops for doing their jobs - NO - and All the cop unions in the country need to Stop supporting Democrats now !
David Pattison All Democrats are anti-police. Watching Adam - 12 aired 11/21/1970. It's about an officer whom he took a risk his life to protect and serve citizens was killed by a criminal. Thousands of protesters, far left groups, and radical politicians wanting t…See More
Margaret Smith The Democrats are pathetic. If nancy wants to be in the senate, should run for the office. Instead of bullying and threatening people to get what age wants
Manuel Ruiz This version includes banning choke holds and no knock warrants and makes it easier to get the cop in civil court. Death didn't want to work together after the Dems killed yesterday's proposal. So what are you all crying about?
Marie Holzwarth Burt Bill will not pass through Senate if anything on there has DEFUND the police. That is not an option & it shouldn't be. More funding for more proper training is necessary.
Jason Griffiths If If Police reform has been such a problem for so long, why didn't Democrats do something about it when they controlled both houses when Obama first took Office?
Karen Smith Had to make a big spectacle of it, while stopping Tim Scott's bill in the Senate after many changes had been made - you are despicable - all about politics - to hell with what's best for America - shameful DC swamp rats.
Obituary ’s about politics. They stiffed a black congressman who has committed his soul to help the community to prove they were the ones with the plan. No surprise they have not worked in a bipartisan way since this president was elected. They would rather destroy America.